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About ASI / Instructors / Elise Kyllo

Elise Kyllo

Elise Kyllo hails from South Minneapolis, but has been digging her roots into the Grand Marais, MN bedrock for a decade and teaching felting at North House Folk School nearly 15 years.   Many years ago, wool as an artistic medium replaced all of the paints, clay, and inks with a desire to create things of beauty and usefulness. “It’s somewhat of a mystery as to how I fell in love with wool, but undoubtedly it’s the close connection to the land, the sustainability of fiber from sheep, and the magical transformation of wool into practical and beautiful things requiring little more than water, soap and agitation… opps, don’t forget PATIENCE!   Elise loves to share the practical and playful possibilities of felting with children and adults and continues to be amazed by how much there is still left to learn!  


Find out more about Elise: @elisekyllo on Instagram and 

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