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About ASI / Instructors / Riley Kleve

Riley Kleve

Riley Kleve is a nonbinary craft artist and educator in Minneapolis. Their work in handspun yarn, weaving, knitting, and embroidery mines archives and historic textile techniques to create a queerer vision of the future. In 2022, their interactive weaving installation, Community Cloth, was presented during Northern Spark. They have taught classes at the Weavers Guild of Minnesota, Textile Center, The Weaving Mill (Chicago), their writing has been published in Spin Off Magazine, and they are the founder of Better Days Yarn Co.. Riley holds a BA in Studio Art and Curatorial Practice from Hampshire College (MA) and is in the process of obtaining a Master Spinner Certificate from Olds College. Riley is a 2023 ASI Teaching Tools Grant Recipient. 

Follow along with Riley at:,, @betterdaysyarn, and @lezphair 

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