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About ASI / Instructors / Kerstin Neumüller

Kerstin Neumüller

Kerstin Neumüller has a degree in men’s tailoring and has spent many years studying handcrafts and the history of textiles. She previously ran the shop Second Sunrise in Stockholm, which produced jeans from scratch under the label Blue Highway Clothing. This resulted in her work in indigo dyeing and mending, which led to her first two books, Indigo: Cultivate, Dye, Create (published in 2017 as En handbook om Indigo: Färgning och projekt in Swedish by Natur & Kultur, English translation 2018 by Pavilion) and Mend & Patch: A Handbook to Repairing Clothing and Textiles (originally published as Lappat och lagat by Natur & Kultur, English translation 2019 by Pavilion, also translated into French). En handbook om Indigo was nominated for the 2017 Swedish Design Prize and the 2017 Publishing Prize. Her most recent book is Simple Weave: väv utan vävstol, published in Swedish in 2021 with a forthcoming English translation spring 2023 with Batsford Books.  

Kerstin’s textile work has been regularly featured in Hemslöjd Magazine, and she has taught classes across Scandinavia, including at Sweden’s premier traditional craft school Sätergläntan, Stockholm’s Etnografiska Museum, Kultuhuset Ängeln, Handverket in Stockholm, Hemslöjd Östergotland, the Vävstolsmuseet i Glimåkra, and Skals Folkhöjskole in Denmark. Her work was exhibited at Hemslöjden i Östergötland in 2022. She received the Kerstin Andersson Åhlin Stipend from the National Association of Swedish Handcraft in 2018.  

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