Experience / Events / Sourdough 101

Sourdough 101

Get ready to tackle sourdough baking! Before bakers bought yeast at the store, they captured and used natural yeasts at home, and these flavors and techniques are essential to recreating certain Nordic breads. While we can use commercial yeast today, baking with natural yeast, otherwise known as a sourdough starter, still adds nutrition, flavor, and good keeping quality to breads of all kinds. In this hour-long demo, Kristi Bissell of the blog True North Kitchen will walk students through the basics of creating or acquiring, maintaining, and baking with a sourdough starter. Kristi will focus on using the starter in Danish-style rye breads and Scandinavian crisp flatbreads, both of which are great starter recipes for bakers new to sourdough baking. Bring your curiosity and questions because this class will be filled with great tips and tricks!

This class is presented as a demonstration, so students can watch the entire process and ask questions before tackling the dishes at home later. The recipe packet will be available for download one week in advance.

This is a live, virtual class taught through Zoom. Students need a strong internet connection and a device with video capabilities. Anyone is welcome to register for the class even if they don’t plan to attend live, as the class will be recorded, and the recording made available for all registrants for one month after class for re-viewing.