Experience / Events / Creative Mending by Hand

Creative Mending by Hand

This class runs Tuesdays, January 14, 21 and 28, 6:30-8:30 pm each session.

Take a deep dive into mending over this three-week tutorial! Hand-stitched mending offers many benefits, from extending the lives of our textiles, to creatively expressing our own style, showing care for both people and the planet. Whether you are a complete beginner or want to expand on basic skills, this multi-session workshop will offer the time to develop a wide variety of hand-stitching techniques, including darning, boro-style patchwork, and duplicate knit stitches. Both invisible and decorative methods will be explored using the textiles you have on hand—you may even end up searching your home for more textiles to mend!

As the class practices stitching together, instructor Tasha Miller Griffith will also lead the class through discussions and lectures to investigate the structure of knit and woven fabrics, and to explore the meaning of stitching and mending through the past and into contemporary times. During the live practice time, students who want to participate can have video ready for show and tell. Open for students with all levels of experience, ages 16+.

This is a live virtual class taught over Zoom. Students need a strong internet connection and a device with video capabilities. Students also provide their own materials, please see the materials list here.